Why do we collect your information?
THOTIN collects your information in order to develop and share content and services to help with your strategic planning process. THOTIN will never share your information with third parties.
What information do we collect?
The type of information we collect includes:
Name, phone number, company, email address and role
Information about your strategic planning session, including challenges, outcomes, who is leading the next session and strategy session date
Where do we collect your information?
THOTIN collects information that you volunteer from a variety of forms found on our website. In exchange for filling out these forms, we grant access to downloads in the form of guides, tools and templates to help with your strategic planning process.
THOTIN will never share your information with third parties.
What kind of communication will you receive from THOTIN?
THOTIN will send you email communication that is relevant to your challenges with strategic planning and where you’re at in the strategic planning process. This communication may include blog posts, videos and podcasts, along with offers to join our course, our community, or an upcoming webinar.
You can also expect a team member to reach out to you once you first join our list. They will ask if you found what you were looking for, if you received the download you requested, or if you have any questions about strategic planning.
Lastly, THOTIN will send out a monthly newsletter at the end of each month, where we explain what we’ve been up to, and share some of our most recently published content.
You can opt-out of communication from THOTIN at any time.
How do you opt-out of communication from THOTIN?
You can stop receiving communication from THOTIN by clicking the unsubscribe button or following the unsubscribe instructions located at the bottom of each email.
Upon request, you may ask us at any time to view your account data or request the removal of your account and information from our database altogether.
What are cookies and how does THOTIN use them?
Cookies are a small text file that is attached to your web browser in order to make your internet browsing experience more convenient. Cookies are most frequently used to remember passwords, email addresses, names and other information. That way, when you return to the website, you aren’t asked for the same information again.
We use cookies to provide a personalized browsing experience so we don’t have to ask for your information more than once. That way, it is more convenient for you to access our downloads, webinars and other resources.